My name is Larry Mercer, owner of Riverwolf boats. Those of you who know me know that my passions in life are fishing and building boats. There is no place I would rather be than on the water somewhere trolling for fall chinook, sidedrifting for winter steelhead or pursuing a springer. I spend way more time on the water than I should sometimes, but that is just one of the requirements and rewards of owning a great boat company. You can’t possibly build the best if you don’t spend a bunch of time in the oarseat or with a tiller in one hand and a rod in the other.
For me boat building is an extension of fishing, a desire to build the best boat money can buy and the relentless pursuit to make things work better. As the owner of Riverwolf Boats I take great pride in not only knowing my boats are the best built, most thought out boats known to man, but knowing I have personally tested every feature and option on every boat ever built here at Riverwolf.
For sure I would always rather be on the water fishing but there are few if any days that I don’t look forward to fabricating a new sled, custom aluminum trailer or a drift boat. A monthly paycheck keeps me working. Building the best boat money can buy keeps me motivated and satisfied customers with big smiles is the best reward of all.